If you've been out of work for some time, are in recovery or are struggling with your mental health, the activities we offer could be exactly what you need to take your first steps towards a positive future.

Aspire work with a range of community partners including Active Oxfordshire, Fit Union, Blenheim Estate and  Earth Trust to provide accessible opportunities to get connected, social, active and receive support to improve wellbeing for people facing disadvantage, mental health difficulties, long-term health conditions or affected by homelessness and poverty.

We take a 'social prescription' approach to wellbeing. This means the tailored opportunities we offer to socialise, get active and explore interests and passions work to alleviate mental health difficulties, combat mental distress, physical inactivity, social isolation and reliance on medical services. We know it isn't 'one size fits all' when it comes to interests and needs - let us know what you enjoy or where you'd like to be, and we'll make sure the guidance you receive is unique to you.

Here's just some of what we can offer under our commitment to social prescribing:

  • Wellbeing walks
  • Boxercise sessions
  • Gym club
  • The chance to meet new friends and others in a similar situation
  • Opportunities to complete sporting qualifications, run your own fitness sessions and support your local community to get active
  • Support with accessing the hobbies and interests that suit you, such as photography and music
  • Access to Aspire's wider support, such as employment guidance or support if you are concerned about your housing situation

Lisa's story:

"Aspire came along when I was dealing with great difficulty, stuck in a hotel, homeless, with nothing to do and nowhere to go. Aspire took me out for day trips to walk with other people in similar positions around Blenheim Estate, helped me with my housing and with so many other things - I don't know where I'd be now without Aspire. They have lifted me up and helped me back on the right track to go forward with my life."

Get in touch

For further information, please contact [email protected]

Support social prescribing

Together with our partners at Park Club Milton, we're hiking 11 miles across 5 peaks to raise £5,000 for our social prescribing activities. Click below to learn more and donate.

Support the hike